Stock Simulation Enhancing Algorithm
News / Stock Simulation Enhancing Algorithm
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    Stock Simulation Enhancing Algorithm
  • Published: 15th Apr 2024
    In the fast-evolving landscape of material simulation, our groundbreaking GPU-accelerated engine has set new standards for speed and efficiency--establishing CIMCO as a leader in the field.

    We’re continuously fine-tuning and optimizing our simulation capabilities, however, we’re not content with just speed—we’re just as committed to pushing the boundaries of material simulation quality and accuracy.

    Our simulation research and development team recently unveiled a preview of their work over recent months: an advanced GPU-accelerated enhancing algorithm.

    This algorithm is set to enhance our current processes with greater intelligence and a deeper understanding of both tool profiles and toolpaths. While our current “refine edges” post-processing technique adequately handles most scenarios, it operates solely on the 3D mesh, limiting its potential.

    The New Enhancing Algorithm: Key Features

    Our preliminary results for the new enhancing algorithm are promising. Here’s what it brings to the table:

    1. True Arcs in Tool Profiles

    • Unlike the current algorithm, which linearizes tool shapes (except for Ball Mill), our new approach simulates the precise contours of the tool. This means that true arcs—whether they’re complex or simple—are faithfully represented.
    • By capturing the exact tool shape, we enhance the fidelity of material removal simulations.

    2. Varying Tool Direction within Linearized Toolpath Segments

    • Our existing algorithm linearizes 5-axis toolpaths into small segments of constant tool direction. However, real-world machining often involves dynamic changes in tool orientation.
    • The enhanced algorithm adapts seamlessly to varying tool directions, resulting in more accurate simulations.

    The enhancing algorithm can already now measure the error of vertices from the current material removal engine and project them onto the more accurate surface taking the above into account.

    Peformance wise, it does all of this in ~10% of the current simulation time, so the overhead associated with enhancing is low.

    Next Steps

    The development of the new enhancing algorithm is progressing well, but there's more work to be done. In the upcoming weeks and months, the algorithm will be able to:

    • Measure true surface normals and refine edges better and faster than our current algorithm. The current “refine edges” algorithm estimates these normals.
    • Measure errors on triangles/facets, split and project when above a predefined tolerance. This will make it possible to better represent local fine features.

    An immediate advantage of implementing these steps, is the ability for users to set the quality of the stock simulation in terms of a maximum tolerance, rather than an arbitrary low-high setting which is currently the case.

    While these steps are essential, they represent just the initial phase of a more extensive journey toward our new stock simulation enhancing algorithm which will take our simulation quality to new heights. As we continue refining and validating its performance, we’re confident that it will bring our simulations to an unprecedented level of accuracy and realism.


    The following example demonstrates how the enhancing algorithm corrects tool profile linearization inaccuracies. The example is somewhat exaggerated to demonstrate the capabilities. The linearization in the first image is typically not this visible.

    The first image below shows the current algorithm using a linearized profile to represent a Bull-Nose. The second image shows the new enhancing algorithm using a True-Arc profile to represent the same Bull-Nose.

    Linearized Bull-Nose.
    True-Arc Bull-Nose.

    The following example shows how the algorithm enhances inaccurate patterns that can arise during simultaneous 5-axis moves.

    Constant tool direction sweeps with 1 degree rotation separation.
    Varying tool direction sweeps with 1 degree rotation separation.