Latest release
Changes since previous release:
- New: Support for license locked CIMCO Edit machines.
- Fix: An issue where the simulation window would change position if starting CIMCO Verify while already open.
- Fix: Fixes for time calculations in turning.
- Fix: An issue where the current segment arc would not be displayed in certain toolpath animation modes.
- Fix: Machine simulation toolpath for rotary axis positioning operation setting.
- Fix: Mill tools profile. CIMCO Edit export now uses custom tool profile if tool is defined by profile.
- Fix: CIMCO Edit turning tool export issues.
Machine Builder
Free utility tool for building machines
Changes since previous release:
- New: Added maximum cutting feedrate parameter.
- New: Added machine acceleration parameter.
- New: Added tool change duration parameter.
- Fix: An issue where the machine list became blank.
Software Manager
Manage floating licenses on local network
Previous releases
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: Better compatibility with Intel graphics.
- Fix: Improved stock simulation robustness.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Performance improvements on large parts using low-mid tier graphics cards.
- New: Security measures.
- Fix: Turning tools thickness.
- Fix: Drilling cycle clearance and retract height.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Simulation memory improvements.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Simulation quality improvements.
- Fix: Right chuck jaw triangulation.
- Fix: Horizontal lathe tool cutter point in CIMCO Edit export.
- Fix: An issue with empty holder names in CIMCO Edit export.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: A crash on certain parts when using operation colors.
Changes since previous release:
- New: General simulation fixes and performance improvements.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Stock model quality and performance improvements (The enhancing algorithm).
- New: Added 'only if angular change' checkbox to go-to tool change / safety position.
- New: Added 'move direct' to operation change options.
- New: Now sets radius compensation to 0 in CIMCO Edit export for tools used in operations with wear/reverse wear radius compensatoin.
- Fix: A Mill-Turn tool direction issue when exporting to CIMCO Edit.
- Fix: An issue with Lens Barrel Mill tools in the CIMCO Edit export.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: A tool change sequence bug.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Tool change sequence support in post settings.
- New: Large toolpath toggle.
- New: More accurate cycle time estimates using machine parameters.
- New: Toggle simulation playback on R.
- Change: Decreated speed slider increments / decrements when using +/- shortcut keys.
- Fix: A slot mill stock simulation issue.
- Fix: Work offset transformations.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Cycle time estimates.
- New: Improved stock / holder collision detection accuracy.
- Change: Now shows hidden model collisions.
- Fix: An issue where axis control became corrupted if changing machine with the simulation window open.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: A setup file issue when using NC file from prompt option.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: A toolpath conversion issue.
- Fix: An issue where small top slot mill arcs would be ignored.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Animation speed slider can now be scrolled for fine adjustments.
- New: Insert side suported in CIMCO Edit export for turning tools.
- Fix: An issue where going to prev / next operation sometimes did nothing.
- Fix: Improved stock / holder collision detection accuracy for 5 axis moves.
- Fix: Cross section initial position being off.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Now possible to change the color rotation in stock colors from tool / operations.
- New: Added stock coloring to time slider.
- Fix: A geometry setup issue for machines with no table axes.
- Fix: Stock transformation issue when Mastercam stock setup uses stl file.
- Fix: Missing error messages for certain license issues, causing CIMCO Verify to sometimes fail without notice.
- Fix: CIMCO Edit export of work offset when taken from operations.
- Fix: Fix an issue where lathe tools would sometimes be exported to CIMCO Edit with the wrong orientation.
- Fix: Missing inserts for certain lathe tools in CIMCO Edit export.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Initial stock color is now used from stock setup.
- New: Geometry colors supported in CIMCO Edit export.
- Fix: An issue where collinear axis post settings did not work for some machines.
- Fix: Coolant state issue when using old style coolant data.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Stop conditions and projection view settings are now remembered.
- New: Made alt + f2 shortcut to zoom into cursor.
- New: Added an extra decimal to the compare annotation for small values.
- New: Can now zoom more in.
- Fix: Crash when starting Verify with no Mastercam configuration selected.
- Fix: An issue where the collision dialog closed on enter.
- Fix: An issue where stock simulation would sometimes rewind during animation.
- Fix: An issue where the initial view was sometimes off center.
- Fix: Made chuck jaws stay on the table for turning machine simulation with chuck jaws selected.
- Fix: Feedrate for lathe drilling.
- Fix: Missing toolpath for certain drilling operation.
- Fix: An issue where stock sometimes didn't update properly when changing settings while CIMCO Verify is open.
- Fix: An issue where false positive tool / workpiece collisions would be reported during drilling operations (size on size collisions).
- Fix: Some turning tool issues in the CIMCO Edit export.
- Fix: Missing stock STL file prefi in some cases when exporting to CIMCO Edit.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Uses Master model setup as workpiece by default.
- New: Uses Workholding setup as fixture by default.
- New: Applies 'use cutter compensation' simulation setting.
- New: Presentation viewer performance improvements.
- Fix: An issue where 'retract on tilt direction change' post setting could cause an invalid toolpath.
- Fix: An issue where stopping conditions would in specific cases skip early stock / holder collisions.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Cross sections can now be relative to tool plane.
- New: Cross section settings are now within the simulation window and added to presentation viewer.
- New: Added stock quality settings to stand-alone presentation viewer.
- Fix: Initial camera position for projection view in presentation viewer.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where zoom window didn't work with plane from operations when plane was not WCS.
- Fix: An issue where cutting planes didn't work with plane from operations when plane was not WCS.
- Fix: An issue where importing an exported stock STL would not load into the same place.
- Fix: An issue where tool change stopping conditions would sometimes rewind the stock simulation.
- Fix: Threading fixes and improvements.
- Fix: An issue where collinear axes would not always be loaded in the presentation viewer.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Now remembers if external post is active.
- New: Now renders back side of stock when using visibility settings during stock compare.
- New: Improved simulation window text input fields.
- Change: Compare range and stock to leave settings can now be changed inside the simulation window during stock compare.
- Change: Improved accuracy of holder to stock collision range reporting.
- Fix: An issue where stock simulation would sometimes suddenly rewind when animating forwards.
- Fix: An issue where cylindrical stock from bounding box would be exported at the wrong position to CIMCO Edit when origin was TOP.
- Fix: Axis substitution issue in backplot mode.
- Fix: A stock simplification issue.
- Fix: A threading stock simulation issue.
Changes since previous release:
- Change: Updated STL file names in CIMCO Edit export to use NC file name as prefix.
- Fix: An issue where certain threading operations corrupted stock simulation.
- Fix: An issue where some tool profile arcs would not simulate correctly.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: A rare issue where certain machine models would not load.
- Fix: An issue where axis control sometimes highlighted false positive limit over-travels.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Support for turning tool orientation angle.
- New: Now uses WCS from first selected operation when running CIMCO Edit and plane is 'From operations'
- New: Added 'Home' as tailstock position option.
- Change: Updated Japanese translations.
- Fix: An issue where operation stock transformations didn't work (Part flip / transfer).
- Fix: An issue where the CIMCO Edit installation would sometimes not be found.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where changing machine model visibility could turn off program model collision detection.
- Fix: Improved solid simulation robustness.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Added 3DConnexion support.
- New: Workpiece Plane from operations and changed automatic workpiece plane to a Map to Horizontal setting.
- New: Added support for Mastercam Home Learning Educational license.
- New: Added Show/Hide Tool to presentation viewer.
- New: Added View Reset to presentation viewer.
- New: Added 'Generate automatic' chuck check box.
- New: Added a hint for NVidia and AMD GPUs to be used by default when starting presentation viewer.
- Fix: Crash when closing support dialog after the main Verify window is closed.
- Fix: An issue where toolpath sections in some cases was not connected when tool and operation type did not change.
- Fix: An issue where stock simplification didn't simplify the entire mesh.
- Fix: Radius compensation issue for linearized helical ramp.
- Fix: Dimples when importing certain STL files as stock.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Added Chinese.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Now doesn't use levels to store setup data in 2024 and 2025.
- Fix: A regression affecting collision detection.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Zoom window added to presentation viewer.
- New: Cross section added to presentation viewer.
- Fix: A crash when loading stock STL from file paths involving specific Japanese characters.
Changes since previous release:
- New: External post can now apply multiple geometry transformations throughout a simulation. This supports flips necessary for double sided milling.
- Fix: Missing retract for contour operations.
- Fix: An issue where axis substituation did not always work. Now gets rotation axis direction from Mastercam machine configuration.
- Fix: An issue where machine visiblity didn't always match ribbon icons on load.
- Fix: External Post issues.
- Fix: An issue where machine kinematics didn't work for certain types of Mill-Turn machines.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Added an option to manually release license server key.
- Fix: An issue where cross milling operation in mill turn would rotate around Z when not in machine sim mode.
- Fix: An issue where external post couldn't sync transform operations when using force tool change.
- Fix: An issue where save presentation saved the view incorrectly when backplotting turning programs.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Improved tailstock automatic position detection.
- New: Standalone mode no longer requires an installation of windows packages to run.
- Fix: An issue where manual tailstock position wouldn't apply.
- Fix: An issue where standalone mode didn't always work on turning and mill turn programs.
- Fix: An issue where milling tools on turrets didn't work when animating and toggling off machine sim mode.
- Fix: An issue where initial view in turning would be invalid.
- Fix: An issue where a machine could be selected without it showing as selected in setup.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where there could be false psotive holder/stock collisions.
- Fix: Default view direction for horizontal machines.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Mastercam 2025 now supported.
- New: Adjustable geometries now show up in extra geometries and can be toggled.
- New: Updated German translations.
- New: Updated Finnish translations.
- Fix: Improper argument error sometimes popping up in setup when using a machine with collinear axes.
- Fix: An issue where it would sometimes fail to find license server if also using a license server for CIMCO Probing.
- Fix: An issue where turning tools would sometimes make corrupt cuts between operations.
- Fix: An issue where measure distance overllaped with tool position when windows scaling was not 100%.
- Fix: An issue where solid simulation didn't work with Intel Integrated graphics cards.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Collinear axis support.
- New: Improved stock simulation accuracy of 5 axis ball mill tools.
- Fix: An issue where geometries would not always be placed correctly for some external posts.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Optimized stock simplification.
- New: Improved external post compatibility with CP6.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Presentation-viewer can now toggle stock compare
- Fix: Fixed radius compensation offset value when Mastercam units are different from tool units.
- Fix: An issue where very small toolpath arcs could be intrepreted as large circles.
- Fix: An issue where exported stl's would always be in millimeters regardless of system unit.
- Fix: An issue where some turning tools would cut too much material.
- Fix: An issue where corners were sometimes chamfered off during simplification.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: Tool holders not being correctly exported to CIMCO Edit for multi-link operations.
- Fix: An issue where there was a limit to the number of entities that could be selected and imported as geometry.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Simulation kernel optimizations.
- New: Improved quality of stock from STL.
- New: Shaft/Shoulder to stock touch collisions are no longer reported.
- Fix: Workpiece and Visibility toggles in presentation modes.
- Fix: Chuck geometry issues when on the right.
- Fix: An issue where geometries would sometimes be the wrong color.
- Fix: Geometry placement when using external post geometry transformations.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where geometries were not positioned correctly in presentation mode when in inches.
- Fix: An issue where text in operation list could exceed the textbox limit when windows scaling was not 100%.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Presentation mode. It can export the current simulation to a file that can be opened as a standalone simulation.
- New: Can now start with the current Mastercan view.
- Change: Darker geometry colors.
- Change: Better toolpath dimming.
- Fix: An issue where rotational axis limits converted to inches.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Align horizon view mode toggle.
- New: Added an Angle-Head generic machine.
- New: Operation list now shows tool comment if there is no operation comment.
- New: Reduced STL file size in STL-export.
- Fix: An issue where exported STL files would have visual errors when imported in Mastercam.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Improved control of license server connection.
- Fix: Issue with lathe stock cylinder length.
- Fix: Issue with turning center compensation.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Now supports cutter center compensation.
- New: Now supports stock flip operations.
- Fix: C Axis value in axis control is now shown modulo 360.
- Fix: Some false positive stock/holder collision detections.
- Fix: An issue where ball mill cuts would sometimes not create smooth surfaces.
- Fix: Stock setup didn't support anchor points.
- Fix: External post fixes for plane WCS.
- Fix: Operation list sometimes showed wrong numbers.
- Fix: Issues when generating chuck model from stock setup.
- Fix: An issue where the CIMCO Edit installation was not found if not installed in the default install directory.
- Fix: An issue where lathe turret numbers in axis control would be converted to inches for inch programs.
- Fix: Issues with threading operations.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Operation list. Click individual operations in the operation list within CIMCO Verify to simulate just that operation.
- New: Generates 3 chuck jaws from chuck definition in stock setup.
- Change: Updated Japanese translations.
- Fix: Localization fixes.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Can now import lathe chuck from stock setup.
- New: Turning on mill now works with A/C milling machines.
- Change: Speed slider is larger and with improved animation speed control.
- Change: Updated Japanese translations.
- Fix: An issue where the animation speed was not always consistent.
- Fix: An issue where certain symbols in operation comment and tool name could not be displayed.
- Fix: An issue where axis control didn't work properly when in inches.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Stock compare visibility toggles. Show/Hide certain ranges of stock compare values.
- New: Now writes tool description when exporting to CIMCO Edit.
- Fix: A crash that would sometimes happen when changing machines.
- Fix: An issue where revolved meshes sometimes rotated around the wrong point.
- Fix: A small visual artifact in one of the control buttons.
Changes since previous release:
- Change: Localization updates.
- Fix: A rare collision detection freeze.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Now supports angle-head machines.
- Change: Improved time calculations for 5 axis moves.
- Change: Updated Japanese translations.
- Fix: An issue where there was an incorrect move during tool changes in external post.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Added post setting: Retract on tilt change.
- New: Axis values can now be manually edited.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where information for selected point wasn't shown correctly.
- Fix: Fixed a special case where license server didn't work.
Changes since previous release:
- Change: Trailing zeros of Feedrate and Spindle speed information is now trimmed.
- Fix: A crash that could occur when selecting license.
- Fix: An issue where it would also sometimes report holder/stock collisions when there are rapid move to stock collision.
- Fix: Fixed face tool diameter i CIMCO Edit export.
- Fix: Tool/holder scaling when tool units are different from Mastercam unit.
- Fix: An axis subsitution bug sometimes causing wrong C axis rotation.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: A freeze when simulating certain parts.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Performance improvements.
- New: Now doesn't check collisions with invisible models.
- Change: Nicer initial view while loading toolpath and models.
- Fix: Shoulder / Shaft and stock collision detection.
- Fix: Improved robustness of license-system.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where external post would get incorrect data for certain types of operation.
- Fix: An issue where toggling the machine back and forth would corrupt base transformations.
- Fix: An issue where the animation speed would unnecessarily be very slow in some cases.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Tilt Direction Setting for 5 axis machines.
- New: Now shows a message with the reason for stopping with stop conditions.
- New: Improved holder/stock collision detection. Can now go to exact point of collision, not just the element where it occurs.
- New: Animation speed is now limited so it doesn't run ahead of solid updates.
- Fix: An issue where saved stop condition settings wasn't applied.
- Fix: An issue where the it would get one frame ahead when stopping causing a jump back.
- Fix: Holder/Stock collision indication.
- Fix: Fixed tool stl model scaling when in inches.
- Fix: Lathe holder orientation.
- Fix: Thread pitch value.
- Fix: An issue where reset view would sometimes take into account invisible models.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Extra geometries are now supported in the CIMCO Edit Integration.
- New: Improved quality of stock compare around sharp edges.
- New: The camera now follows the tool when toggling machine simulation.
- New: Added an option in Edit Integration to prompt for NC file name.
- Change: Updated Generic machines.
- Fix: An issue where rotated geometries in turning would sometimes rotate around the wrong axis.
- Fix: An issue where geometry colours from level would sometimes be wrong.
- Fix: An issue where tailstock selection point did not always load correctly.
- Fix: An issue with External Post operation synchronization with transform operations.
- Fix: An issue where automatic origin did not always detect stock setup dimension properly.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where axis control would sometimes highlight limit over-travels during unwinding moves.
- Fix: Improved tool tracking.
- Fix: An issue where special characters could sometimes not be in machine model path.
- Fix: An issue where special characters could not be in stock stl path.
- Fix: Custom drill cycles support.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Add more geometries than workpiece and fixtures and mount them on any machine axis.
- New: Extended support for complex tools in solid simulation.
- Fix: Default stock selection bug.
- Fix: An issue where machine limits didn't respect the machine units when in inches.
- Fix: An issue where tailstock didn't work for CIMCO Edit machines.
- Fix: An issue where tailstock could not be removed without restarting the simulation.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Can now run CIMCO Edit Machines in CIMCO Verify.
- New: Automatic stock option. Uses first stock model in selection or stock setup.
- New: Saves workpiece/fixture/stock visibility settings.
- Change: CIMCO Verify Setup and Run CIMCO Edit now doesn't require a license.
- Change: Machines are now selected from categories, Installed/Generic/CIMCO Edit.
- Fix: An issue where external post didn't work with predefined machines.
- Fix: An issue where uninstall didn't always work.
- Fix: An issue where newly installed machines required restarting setup to show up.
- Fix: Rapid to stock between 5-axis drilling moves.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Workpiece translation (XYZ) added.
- New: It's now aware of thread pitch in collision detection of tapping tools.
- Fix: An issue where jumping to next tool change would in some cases do nothing.
- Fix: An issue where tailstock configuration would show in setup for users without machine simulation license.
- Fix: An issue where collision detection report would be wrong for worpiece and fixtures.
- Fix: Lighting issues in projection view.
- Fix: Fixed wrong retracts for multi-axis drilling.
- Fix: Export of custom tools by name to CIMCO Edit.
- Fix: Length of End Mill tools in the export to CIMCO Edit.
- Fix: Now uses Editor machine definition in automatic origin plane when exporting to CIMCO Edit.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Can now export default work offset to CIMCO Edit. Requires CIMCO Edit 2023.01.22.
- Improved: Robustness of stock from STL and stock models.
- Improved: Window management, fixes to CIMCO Verify window popup and behavior when minimized.
- Fix: A machine simulation issue where turret tool connectors did not always load.
- Fix: An issue where automatic origin did not always work for certain horizontal machines.
- Fix: An issue where setup would get wrong settings when loading a Mastercam file while simulation was active.
- Fix: An issue where everything was rotated 180 degrees in Machine Simulatoin on Horizontal machines.
- Fix: Turning stock output in CIMCO Edit Integration.
- Fix: An issue where milling tools would not always get the correct orientation when exported to CIMCO Edit.
Changes since previous release:
- Improved: Reduced memory usage of stock simulation.
- Improved: Loading of setup.
- Improved: Loading of turning tools.
- Fix: An issue where stock compare didn't work.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the CIMCO Verify started minimized for turning programs.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Tailstock support.
- Change: Spindle now stops at program end.
- Fix: An issue where the external post setting would not be saved.
- Fix: An issue where changing workpiece position would also set a wrong workpiece plane for horizontal machines.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Can now launch NC-based simulation through CIMCO Edit.
- Change: Reset view now doesn't fit to hidded models.
- Fix: An issue for lathe machines where turret tool direction (axial/radial) would not always be consistent.
- Fix: A radius compensation issue.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Added three vertical 4-axis and 2 horizontal CIMCO machines.
- Fix: An issue where the starting position would sometimes be off.
- Fix: An issue where the visibility of machine models did not always match the toggle buttons.
Changes since previous release:
- New: More than 30 Haas machines can now be downloaded in the machine installer.
- Improved: Stock from stock model.
- Improved: Performance of stop conditions.
- Fix: An issue where some settings would sometimes fail to save/load.
- Fix: Automatic origin now works for vertical machines with horizontal table.
- Fix: Wrongly rotated toolpath when using axis substitution from Y axis.
- Fix: A tool angle issue for threading tools.
- Fix: An issue where collision detection didn't work for machine table models in turning operations.
Changes since previous release:
- New: B axis support for turning operations on milling machines.
- New: Added generic lathe machine with Y axis.
- Change: Now remembers machine visibility settings.
- Change: Now uses tool numbers to select turret slot.
- Fix: An issue where stock would sometimes be incorectly positioned when in inches.
- Fix: An issue where external post would interpolate in workpice coordinates instead of machine coordinates.
- Fix: Some surface issue when importing stock from STL.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Lathe and basic Mill-Turn machine simulation support.
- New: Vertical turning and turning on milling machine support.
- New: Added a generic CIMCO lathe machine.
- Change: External post now uses shortest path interpolation for limitless rotational axes.
- Fix: An issue where certain custom tools and Highfeed milling tools did not work.
- Fix: A crash during collision detection on certain models.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Lathe tools now use 3D tool meshes.
- New: Now annotates stock compare values at the cursor position.
- New: Now supports custom threading operations.
- New: Extended support for lathe tools in stock simulation.
- Fix: An issue where simulation settings would reset when entiring stock setup from the simulation.
- Fix: An issue where lathe threading operations could sometimes affect other operations.
- Fix: An issue where keyboard shortcuts would not always work due to incorrect window focus.
- Fix: An issue where users with special characters in their windows profile name could experience a crash.
- Fix: An issue where certain lathe threading tools would report false positive holder to stock collisions.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Collision detection now works with turning tools and revolved workpieces and fixtures.
- New: Axis controls now works while machine simulation is toggled off (Still requires CIMCO Verify to start as machine simulation).
- Fix: An issue where very small incorrect limit errors could be reported when there were moves to axis limits.
- Fix: An issue where cross section stock/workpiece compare didn't work with revolved workpieces.
- Fix: A stall/crash that could happen when generating collision report.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Revolved models of workpieces and fixtures are now calculated for turning and mill-turn programs.
- New: Added 21 Generic 3 and 5 axis CIMCO machines for machine simulation.
- Fix: An issue where it was possible to have a machine without tool/workpiece and tool/fixture collision checks.
- Fix: An issue where external post could not match operations when there were manual entries.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where toggling plot control would also affect axis control.
- Fix: An issue where the tool would detach from the spindle when using axis control.
- Fix: An issue in turning where the first toolpath element could make a corrupt cut.
- Fix: An issue where stock simplify would sometimes be too harsh.
- Change: Updated axis control icons.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Added axis control. Visualize and control the position of each machine axis with travel limits.
- Fix: An issue where stock could be at the wrong position.
- Fix: An issue where automatic origin would sometimes be wrong when using stock from stock models.
- Fix: A crash that could happen when changing stock from one model to another while simulating.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where geometries would sometimes be wrongly positioned if WCS coordinates were offset.
- Fix: Display issues within the about box on high DPI screens.
- Change: Grouped cross section planes in the ribbon bar into one.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where radius compensation would sometimes not be applied.
- New: Now possible to run the simulation on external post.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where the tool would make an incorrect cut at the end of arc segments in rare cases.
- Fix: An issue where the top of the initial stock would sometimes not be rendered.
- Fix: An issue where changing stock from stock model would not be applied until restarting the simulation window.
- Fix: Ordering of models in stock model selection is now consistent with operations.
- Improved: Speed and quality of the stock simplification step.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: A crash that would something happen when changing setup while machine simulation was active.
- Improved: Automatic origin selection is now more accurate.
- Improved: Automatic plane selection now considers WCS.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Added travel limits to stopping conditions.
- Improved: Splitted collision stopping condition into multiple categories.
- Improved: Better support of high DPI monitors.
- Fix: An issue where measure distance would always be in millimeters.
Changes since previous release:
- Improved: Startup time.
- Improved: Stock/holder collision checking accuracy.
- Improved: Stock/rapid move collision checking accuracy.
- Improved: Stock simulation performance optimizations.
- Fix: A rare crash when changing stock setup while simulating stock updates.
- Fix: A crash when using high quality stock on integrated GPU's.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where machine definitions containing non-ASCII characters did not work.
- Improved: Collision detection performance slightly.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Stock compare now supports setting custom colors.
- Improved: Accuraracy of stock compare.
- Improved: Processing of STL's.
- Fix: An issue where rapid move collisions were sometimes not reported.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Supports lathe threading operations.
- Improved: Now rotates lathe fixtures/workpiece/stock rather than the tool.
- Improved: Graphics cards compatibility.
- Fix: A crash that would sometimes happen when using certain tapping tools.
- Fix: An issue where the animation speed would be slow in machine simulation and for certain tools.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where turning operations from below didn't cut stock.
- Fix: An issue where cylinder stock from stock model operations would sometimes be corrupt.
- Fix: An issue where when defaulting to stock model at operation 1, stock setup could not be selected.
- Improved: Now repairs stl files when using them for stock.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Turning and Mill-Turn support (Experimental). Lathe threading operations not yet supported.
- New: Added tool name, operation comment, spindle speed drill cycle type and coolant type to toolpath information.
- New: Added stock to leave in stock compare settings.
- New: Now saves stop condition settings.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the simulation window would remain in machine simulation mode when turning off machine simulation in setup.
- Fix: An issue where it would sometimes confuse setup when working with multiple Mastercam programs.
- Fix: Issues with arc toolpath elements in 3-axis rotary mode.
- Fix: An issue where the base models of machines defined in inches would scale incorrectly.
- Fix: An animation issue where tools would sometimes blink in the wrong place for one frame immediatly after tool change.
- Fix: A rare issue where the previous tool could still make a single cut after a tool change.
- Fix: A rare freeze that could occur when loading certain tools.
- Fix: An issue where the stock would sometimes be offset from the definition in stock setup.
- Improved: Navigation of the measure distance arrow.
- Improved: More consistent and smoother frame rates while processing stock.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where some new features were missing in Mastercam 2021,2022,2024 .
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where initial stock from box would be slightly off.
- Fix: An issue where the current tool distance along the toolpath would be incorrectly calculated.
- Added: support for 3 axis rotary axis control mode.
- Improved: Reduced size on size false positive collisions between tool cutter and workpiece.
- Improved: Quality of refine edges, especially at corners.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where rapid to stock collisions would be reported which were actually not collisions.
- Fix: Reduced size on size rapid to stock collision false positive rate.
- Fix: A rare issue where tools would not cut the stock for certain moves.
- Improved: Using sub-frame interpolation when detecting geometry collisions in stop conditions to stop more accurately.
Changes since previous release:
- Fix: An issue where certain tools would make corrupt cuts in the stock.
- Fix: An issue where toolpath information text would not fit when windows scaling was above 100%.
- Change: Increased animation slider max speed.
- Change: Default values of stock compare range and collision detection step size are now 0.25 mm or 0.01 inches.
Changes since previous release:
- New: Detects and highlights stock/holder collisions.
- New: Stock/holder collisions added to collision reporting.
- New: Stock/rapid move collisions added to collision reporting.
- New: Workpiece plane option. Can now automatically use the back plane for horizontal machines.
- Fix: An issue where stock set from stl's would be in the incorrect position when in inches.
- Fix: An issue where the tool cutter would sometimes contain corrupt arc segments.
- Improved: General simulation now doesn't lag as much while running collision reporting.
- Improved: Performance of collision detection preparation during loading.
Changes since previous release:
- Fixed a crash on certain programs.
- Fixed an issue where the window would reset position.
- Enabled collision detection reporting between tool and geometries when not in machine simulation mode.
Changes since previous release:
- Fixed an issue where measure distance would not work with machine simulation.
- Fixed an issue where it would still show the outline of the tool holder when the holder was hidden.
- Fixed a rare issue where stock could go into a state where it would not update.
- Added support for Mastercam 2021.
- Added an abort button when running machine collision detection.
- Added Finnish localization.
- Improved setup no longer restart the simulation window when toggling or changing machine.
- Improved translations.
Changes since previous release:
- Improved quality and performance of the stock model refine step.
- Fixed an issue where tool/workpiece and tool/fixture collision only worked in machine simulation.
- Now outlines edges of stock and geometries.
- Can now color stock by tool.
- Now uses initial stock from stock model operation if it is the first selected operation. (only in 2024)
- Now using the WCS plane for orientation of geometries.
- Machine simulation now supports horizontal machines.
- Improved comptability when running on older hardware.
Changes since previous release:
- Fixed an issue where certain UI elements could not fit localized text
- Fixed an issue where some of the French translations did not match the correct strings.
- Added missing translations in collision detection, stock quality and stock compare dialogs.
- Disabled tool/workpiece collision setting when no workpiece is defined.
- The measure distance arrow now stays in the same place after the second selection.
- Various improvements to tool and mesh loading/preparation.
- Improved support of custom tools with noisy or many segments.
Changes since previous release:
- Multi-languages support. Initial supported languages are: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japense, Korean and Danish.
Changes since previous release:
- Now automatically provides a free 30 day trial period.
- Fixed a license issue where it would prompt the user multiple times.
- Fixed a license issue where it was sometimes slow to start when using license sever.
- Made seperate colours for tool shoulder and shaft.
Changes since previous release:
- Now available for Mastercam 2024.
- Fixed toolpath for various drilling cycles.
- Fixed unit issues when Mastercam was set to inches.
- Fixed a holder issue involving arcs.
- Fixed an issue where if you select a license while license server is defined it would not use the new license.
Changes since previous release:
- Initial release